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Body Health Gut Defense Bio Clear

Body Health Gut Defense Bio Clear

A specialized gut health formula that targets harmful biofilms and pathogens for a balanced microbiome.
Regular price $42.46 USD
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Supporting a healthy, robust gut to strengthen your overall health.

Gut Defense (formerly Bio Clear) is a proprietary formula that helps to support the body's natural defense against harmful pathogens that cause dysbiosis in the intestinal tract. Gut Defense acts to disrupt and clear away the biofilms that protect these harmful microbes from our immune system so they can be disposed of. 

Our Digestive Tract is a very exact system. Natural digestive processes break down food and nutrients entering, into forms the body can absorb and utilize, and also to keep out, or kill, harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi coming in with our food and water. When everything works as it is supposed to, and our diet is correct, it does a pretty good job of this. However, due to the types of processed foods we eat today, which pathogens love and survive on we may have these harmful microorganisms living inside of us, in our small intestine, our colon, and even our stomach. But these pathogens don‚Äôt just eat our food.

  • They produce the gas that causes us to bloat.
  • They release bio-toxins that can slowly poison healthy cells that make up our intestinal lining, and the beneficial bacteria in our colon.
  • They overload our immune system.
  • They degrade the lining of our intestine, injuring or killing cells and creating leaks that these and other micro-organisms can use to enter the bloodstream, potentially leading to infection.

When they are able to break through, they attack our immune tissue, our number one defense against illness. Even more, they create biofilms around themselves that hide them, so that even if we strengthen our immune system, our immune cells won't be able to find them to destroy them and they can thrive.

Biofilms are where pathogens form a colony and attach themselves to some surface and secrete a slimy glue-like substance that shields and protects them. The biofilms help the colony to defend itself against natural body process to eliminate the pathogens, and even against prescribed medication, and can be part of the reason that some wounds are difficult to heal, or persistent infections keep coming back. Up to 80% of the infections in our bodies have to do with biofilms forming.

You see, these biofilms don't just sit there. They‚Äôre continuously changing and stimulating inflammation, while at the same time protecting their microbe colony from anything that would harm it. This is why it can be so hard to get rid of SIBO or candida or a parasite. Our Immune System needs help. That's why we created Gut Defense. Gut Defense is a very exact and unique formula that disrupts the biofilms protecting these pathogens and supports our immune system so they can be removed naturally. 

There is a reason over 80% of our immune system is in our gut. It is our first line of defense. And Gut Defense gives it what it needs to perform its job the very best it can. Other ingredients support the beneficial bacteria in our microbiome, and in turn supports a healthy immune system. And antioxidants help protect the cells to allow for healing. Gut Defense is a game changer.